Our Services
General Dental
We provide full family dental care, whether you have a broken tooth, tooth ache or are looking for cosmetic dentistry. Our services include:
Preventive Dentistry
Fillings and Restorations
Veneers, Crowns and Bridges
Cosmetic Dentistry including white fillings and tooth whitening
Children’s Dentistry including Child Dental Benefits
Nitrous Oxide (happy gas or laughing gas)
Children’s Dental
Going to see the dentist needn’t be scary. This message starts at home, where parents and grandparents can present positive messages to little ones about going
to the dentist.
At Clarence Dental Centre, we enjoy treating children of all ages. We have a genuine desire to provide children with the best possible dental experience.
Happy Gas
Nitrous oxide or happy gas is a form of sedation that can ease the unpleasantness associated with some dental procedures.
Children and adults alike usually respond very well to happy gas.
If you are interested in trying happy gas, please speak to your dentist.
Child Dental Benefits
Eligible children aged 2-17 years receive treatment at no out of pocket expense, up to Medicare’s $1000 cap over 2 years on items covered under CDBS.
Benefits cover a range of services including examinations, x-rays, cleaning, fissure sealing, fillings, root canal treatment and extractions.
Please refer to Medicare to confirm your child’s eligibility for CDBS.